Business lawyer team. Working together of lawyer in the meeting.

The Awakened Entrepreneur

Impact VIP Day

w/ Angela Carr Patterson

Spend one uninterrupted day w/ Angela Carr Patterson and transform your business.

One Uninterrupted Day to

Transform Your Business

Let’s face it! Running a business can be tough at times, especially when you are not clear on certain essentials needed to create success. But for the Awakened Entrepreneur who is ready to fulfill his/her authentic role in the world through a sustainable, thriving, and profitable business model, it can be attainable. I invite you to spend a day of uninterrupted hours with me as your personal strategist, and TOGETHER, we will create the ideal strategy for you and your unique business. No more throwing stuff against the wall to see what sticks. I will show you how to scale your current business model, position yourself for bigger opportunities, and plan your next level of growth, all while giving birth to a brand that aligns with what you’re feeling called to do. During this session, we will examine what’s truly most effective, how to align your business with your soul’s calling, raise your value in the marketplace, and create offerings that will put you on track to consistently earn revenues between multiple six, seven figures, and beyond.

I Deliver The VIP Day in 3 Parts:

The VIP Prep Session

A 2-hour Preparation Virtual Session to get clear about what’s missing from your business and how to move forward with clarity. You will take our entrepreneur archetype quiz to determine your business strengths and weaknesses. Angela will also use the information gathered in this session to identify the gaps between where you are and where you want to be in your business. She will craft your actual VIP Day to be centered around giving you the right strategies, systems, modalities, and support to help you achieve your desired results and maximum success.

The VIP Day

The VIP Day will include 5-6 hours of Coaching, Strategy, and Implementation. Sessions are delivered in person or virtually with 2-thirty-minute assignment breaks. Angela will coach you to re-tool, redesign, and restructure your business for the next level to create 6, 7 figures, and beyond. Using her 4 Foundational Pillars Business Success formula, she will craft an actionable plan that’s aligned with your brand message and core values. You will identify the hidden money in your business, break through barriers, and create new strategies to achieve your goals and leave with clarity and confidence to succeed.

The VIP Post Session

One week after your VIP session, you and Angela will have a sixty-minute follow-up phone call for her to answer any questions or concerns you may have and to ensure you are on course to creating a profitable, sustainable, and thriving business model. You and Angela will review parts of your VIP Day to identify any issues, concerns, or challenges that are preventing you from achieving your goals. Angela will ensure you have everything you need to move forward with clarity, intention, and success as an Awakened Entrepreneur.

Man in Blue Sweater Sitting Beside Woman in Gray Blazer

Feedback from Clients

Why you should book a VIP Day with Angela!

I had my first high-paying client within 24 hours of my VIP session with Angela within four months of working with her, I replaced my full-time (six-figure) income through her business strategies. Thank you, Angela, for the awesome work you do in assisting me to become the person I am in the mind of God.

-Leslie W. Jenkins

Finish strong ladies. I started strong with Angela this year. She and I had a powerful VIP Day in the first quarter so I could get clear on my goals. Just days after our session and getting clarity on my coaching programs and offerings, I closed on a $15K client. Angela's coaching strategies and mentorship work when you are willing to do the work. I did, and it definitely paid off greatly. Clarity + Confidence +Action.-- April Lewis, Consultant & Coach

- April Lewis

My experience during the VIP day can best be summed up with one word: transformational. Angela, in her distinctive loving way, tossed me headlong into transforming both my business & my life. We were able to highlight the direction and specific details of my business in order to bring more income with less struggle and effort. The added bonus was seeing what I do from a much larger perspective. Working and playing from my “sweet spot” feels so natural that I now understand what is meant by, “To work and play and not know the difference is to be truly blessed.” Thank you Angela for blessing me and everyone you touch with your gifts.

- Anita Doll

Are You Ready to Invest in the Biggest Version of Yourself?

If your answer is Yes, then book a Discovery Session with me to determine if this is the right path for you. You will also receive a VIP Information Packet to answer all of your questions. During this Discovery time together, I will ask you a few questions to zero in on what you truly need, and you will ask me questions to determine if this is a good fit for you. I promise there is no hard selling here, no obligation on your part…simply a time to discover if working with me is what you really need. Note: I am NOT the cheapest. This is an investment, and I get results.